Although large companies have a specific graphic design department, most SMEs do not have their own graphic designers on their staff. In companies where there is no large volume of graphic work, it is usual to hire a graphic designer on a contractual basis whenever there is a need to carry out a graphic project. But, how to choose the right graphic designer for our company and project without making mistakes? If you find yourself in this situation, we indicate what factors you should consider selecting a professional graphic designer in this post.
The professionalism of the graphic designer. It can be measured by knowing the professional experience of the designer, the client portfolio, the graphic works carried out previously, his level of creativity, requesting references to companies that have worked or work with the designer … Ideally, have a list of several graphic designers and with as much information as possible about each one of them.
Focusing on the designer’s specialization. Whether in a specific graphic service or a specific business sector that is well suited to your company, products, or services or the type of graphic project you need to develop.
The graphic style of the designer. Although a good graphic design combines style with functionality, and the normal thing is that the designer adapts to his client’s objectives and the conditions of the order, the truth is that each designer ends up developing his own graphic style. There are graphic designers with a very marked style and others clearly versatile. Still, the style of the graphic designer you choose must adapt to the style you need for your project and your company to guarantee a good client-designer understanding and a result end of higher quality and more satisfactory for both parties.
The type of graphic work you want to commission from the designer. The choice may vary if your graphic project is large and requires a large team of designers with many means and technical resources or a smaller design work that you can solve with a single freelance designer.
The type of company-designer collaboration. The designer’s requirements will be different if it is a sporadic and one-off collaboration or looking for a designer for an ongoing professional relationship. If the graphic designer’s relationship continues, greater personal knowledge and the most fluid communication between client-designer is essential.
Remember that it is important that you, as a client, are satisfied with the choice of your graphic designer. Still, it is also important to open channels of effective communication with the designer to have all the necessary material to do his job well. Knowing how to do your order well and transmit to the designer all the information necessary for the graphic project’s correct development is important to guarantee success. Only with this client-designer affinity will the professional relationship favor both of you, the trust will be full, and the result of work of the highest quality.
Outsourcing is the action in which a company subcontracts specific tasks or services to another outside firm. Outsourcing is a growing business reality that provides corporations with some exciting benefits.
It occurs especially in companies that need graphic design and creativity services, although they are not specifically dedicated to this business area. By leaving in expert hands services that are not essential in their sector, they can develop their business strengths and become more competitive and efficient. Outsourcing allows applying talent and resources to key areas of a business, and outsourcing services that are not profitable for the company can be carried out internally.
The company that outsources services responds more quickly to changes in the economic and work environment.
Outsourcing allows you to easily adjust the supply of services to market demand, increase or reduce graphic services in a simple way, avoid selecting new personnel in good times, or reduce staff in worse economic times.
When outsourcing graphic design, you only pay for specific services that are agreed with the designer. If the company wanted to provide such graphic services internally, it should have its own graphic and advertising department that would entail fixed costs for the entity, regardless of whether the design department received orders or not.
Outsourcing designers specialize in several small graphic services that they do very well. Their experience means that they have advanced computer programs and well-developed and implemented work processes. This allows the graphic creative to save time in carrying out the work and offer their services at a lower price than for the company to develop it internally.
In many cases, outsourcing improves the delivery time and the final quality of the graphic design. The outsourcing company benefits from the designer’s expertise and experience to offer a higher quality graphic service in less time and without the need to train internal company personnel continuously.
Get in touch with our customer service representatives and designers to ensure that your business is nothing less than a success.