The SEO Management Process

SEO is the online marketing discipline for perfectionists. Every written word and every good backlink contribute to your ranking. But you can only be successful in the long term if you manage to consistently maintain your quality in all areas. A sustainable SEO management process enables you to have good rankings in the long term and thus a much higher level of visibility, experienced by professional Los Angeles SEO company, Visual Design Inc.

Clearly present the SEO management process

To ensure high quality, you need a structured overview of your SEO management. This overview gives you a generally applicable process for all web projects, regardless of whether they are online shops or websites. Use it so that you don’t forget an important task. Using this process, you will significantly reduce the risks and problems that can arise during the operation of a project and continuously improve the SEO results. The SEO management process is a holistic concept that serves to ensure good and sustainable performance in this area. It aims for ongoing and long-term success.

On this page, you will find out which one-off and recurring tasks belong to professional SEO and how you can continuously improve the quality of your website with sustainable SEO management. The technical, as well as the content-related tasks, play an equally important role in your success.

One-time tasks

Keyword analysis & concept

The keyword is another term for a search term or keyword. So it is the words that searchers enter in search engines. And here, of course, you want to be at the top of the search results for your specific keywords. Extensive and precise keyword research is essential for this. This is where the keywords are determined for which the website is to be optimized, as they promise the greatest benefit. All relevant data such as seasonality, AdWords data, profitability, current rankings, search volume, competition density, and much more are recorded. considered. Many tools help with the analysis, such as the Keyword Planner from Google, Google Suggest, or Google Trends. The keywords are finally clustered and assigned to various types of content (category/service pages, blog/glossary articles). So you can see at a glance which text should be optimized for which keyword.

Technology concept

A complete analysis of the website is carried out as part of the technology concept. The technical analysis is not directly responsible for a good ranking of the keywords but forms the basis for further optimizations in the SEO management process to take effect much better and faster. The usability aspect is also not to be despised here. A technically flawlessly prepared page helps the respective potential customer to stay longer. Also, the search engine bots you do with a few simple work easier, which in turn generally a good evaluation of the page, and thus to better rankings contribute can. The website is analyzed with crawlers, a checklist is worked through and the individual pages are checked individually by experts. In addition, proposed solutions for the identified weaknesses, such as loading times that are too slow or incorrect links, are developed and a reliable tracking system is created.

Content concept

The fact that content is important for the ranking of a page should have arrived everywhere by now. Here, too, a precise analysis of the current status of the website is necessary for advancement. The content concept does not only include the analysis of the existing texts on the page. The texts of the competitors are also checked on the basis of competitive analysis. Here it can be determined which text length and which keyword density, also keyword density, is necessary in order to rank better than the competition. In a content concept, suggestions for texts to be optimized or completely new types of text (blog, glossary, or guide) are also drafted. Using other types of text, additional keywords can be covered and the ranking can be sustainably improved.

Google Search Console

The Google Search Console is the ideal starting point for analyzing a web project, as the data comes first-hand. Here you can easily find out what searches actually impressions and clicks in the Google SERP’s led and therefore are potentially in the optimization of interest. But the Google Search Console can do a lot more: In addition to various technical functions, such as storing an XML sitemap or testing mobile device friendliness and the hreflang award, the free tool also offers an extensive database of statistics.

Offpage concept

The effect of backlinks is still relevant to the reputation of a website. You can also improve your rankings with sustainable and targeted link building. The offpage concept is an individual concept for the optimal strategy of link building. Several competitors are analyzed on the basis of various criteria using both common and self-created SEO tools. In addition, the current link profile is examined for possible risks (detox analysis), new link building options are developed and the framework conditions for link building are specified.

Road map

As part of the SEO strategy, all SEO sub-areas such as content, technology, and link building are optimized during the first few weeks so that rapid success is possible. One of the reasons for this is the creation of a road map that lists the most important problems immediately after the project begins. With the help of this road map, you know where the route should lead. As with a checklist, you can tick off completed items and always have an overview of upcoming tasks. In our Performance Suite, you will also receive instructions on how to rectify each task. In this way, we can make the SEO management process even easier for you.

Training of those involved in the project

An important point in the SEO management process is the training of everyone involved in the project. All participants are trained in the relevant SEO basics before the start of or during the project. The level of knowledge of each person involved must be adequately taken into account. An agency should never rate this too high, but also not too low. You can prepare specifically for this and note down any open questions in advance. Your contact person will then close all knowledge gaps.

Establishing regular voting

Communication is the most important tool in the management process. The regular appointments serve to discuss the progress of the project with all those involved in the project and to plan the next steps and optimization measures. The agency should always have an open ear for all customer concerns and also respond specifically to special requests. By voting, problems and suggestions can be responded to quickly. On the other hand, the agency receives prompt feedback on the services provided and can quickly implement this in the best possible way in further cooperation.

Iterative processes/tasks

Project management

The process management is not a one-time affair and has not yet been completed with the above measures. Websites are constantly changing and therefore SEO is an ongoing process that must be carried out according to plan. Ongoing project management should be carried out with the road map. A project manager must check whether the individual points are being implemented in a timely manner. The Performance Suite of the Online Solutions Group provides further assistance on upcoming tasks. The regular contact between agency and customer makes the cooperation smoother. Further measures that belong to SEO process management and that are repeated over and over again can be found in the following summarized by us.


Keywords are the key to the success of your SEO efforts. Only if the right keywords have been chosen will you get the desired visitors to your website. But these terms are not static. The keywords for the link building should be adjusted monthly. Depending on how quickly which keywords have developed, new ones can be used. Depending on the SEM performance, seasonality, new products/brands, new keywords can be used and better positions can be achieved with good links. With the help of the OSG Performance Suite, you can monitor the rankings of your keywords at any time and adjust them quickly if necessary.

Sustainable link building

Only if a website regularly receives new links can it improve its performance. Link building is not a one-time task, but must be operated permanently. This is the only way to maintain your positions and have the chance of better rankings. Nowadays, dull link spam is quickly recognized by search engines and, in the worst case, punished. For this reason, a balanced and natural link profile is extremely important.

Left / control

Search engines use links to assess the popularity of websites, among other things. But not every link also contributes to a high search engine ranking, and the competition never sleeps. You should therefore regularly check your links and those of the competition and pay attention to the following points:

  • Quality of your own links
  • Availability of your own links
  • Competitor activity
  • New link building options
  • Mix of link types
  • Mixture of the link texts

SEO tracking

Only if the SEO measures are crowned with success, i.e. produce visible results, do they have a right to exist in the company. A well-thought-out tracking process is therefore also part of professional SEO process management. Here, too, the Performance Suite offers you a wide range of options for monitoring your performance. There you can see relevant data about your visibility and the keyword ranking. SEO tracking also offers you answers to the following questions:

  • Which keywords are generating the most traffic from?
  • Which keywords are the top-selling keywords?
  • Which keywords are in a threshold position (position 11-40) and can move upwards in the ranking through targeted optimization?
  • How are the links to other channels, e.g. SEA?
  • How are the most important 100 to 500 keywords developing (daily)?
  • How are all 1,000 to 5,000 keywords performing (weekly)?
  • How is the overall visibility compared to the competition?
  • How is the number of indexed pages developing?
  • How is the loading time of the website and its sub-pages developing?

Web controlling

Ultimately, you can only optimize your SEO if you know the path your visitors take through your website.

  • What role does SEO play in the user journey?
  • How high is the bounce rate for which keywords?
  • What about the length of stay in general?
  • What is the click rate of the most important keywords?
  • How does the traffic develop via the keywords that are optimized by SEO?


With the answers to these questions, you can optimize your website even more specifically and thus secure valuable opportunities for ranking improvement. This can also include updating a poorly performing keyword. Just keep in mind that you will then also have to adjust the associated content so that the ranking does not suffer.


Quality is essential in SEO. You should therefore regularly check the quality in all areas: content, technology, link building. Are the texts good and long enough? Are you holistic and do you offer the customer/reader added value? Have I included enough illustrative material, such as pictures or videos? Pure text deserts are no feast for the eyes of the reader. Therefore, you should pay attention to the very highest quality here. When it comes to technology, you should also check that your website is always up to date. And, as mentioned above, the links must also meet some criteria so that you can assert yourself against the competition.


Content is king! Text content is especially important so that Google can determine the theme of websites. Therefore, ask yourself the following questions:

Is content constantly being built up? For example, product texts, guides, glossaries, blogs – content creation and link building should also be carried out continuously.

Does duplicate content (DC) exist internally or externally? You can check plagiarism or duplication with tools like Copyscape, Grammarly, and Duplichecker.

Which new types of content can be used? Maybe there is a FAQ for your blog?

What types of content does the competition use? How much content does he build per month? How long are the product texts of your competitors?

Google updates

Google is constantly changing something about its algorithm with which the search results are put in an order. Sometimes the effects are less, sometimes stronger. An employee must regularly check all Google updates and consider how and whether these affect the processes. It is important that this employee has an obligation and approaches others. There are a few websites that report on Google updates such as MOZ. Web projects that lose or gain significantly invisibility must be investigated for the reasons for this. These “Movers and Shakers” are displayed on Sistrix or Searchmetrics. Finding the reasons for the increase or decrease can provide important insight into Google’s algorithm and use this information for your project!


Paid advertisements – SEA (Search Engine Advertisements), on Google provides important insights that you can also use in SEO. Which keywords bring the most sales and what positions are these keywords in the organic search? You should check this continuously, otherwise, you will lose sales. Test new keywords with SEM campaigns before they are optimized in SEO. An ongoing review of your campaigns is essential here. If you react quickly to irregularities, you can also optimally secure your rankings in the SEO management process.

PR (Press Release)

It is also important for good SEO performance that you are talked about on the web. That is the goal of PR.

Create new press releases and publish them on relevant, high-reach websites.

Ongoing control, e.g. through Google Alerts, of where something is published by your company. Google Alerts should also be used for competitors, so you can find links and news. You can then use this information adequately for your website.

Appealing cooperation with high-quality partner sites can also push your website.

Social media

You can specifically support your SEO measures with social media activities. Be active on your own blog, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Above all, it should be ensured that social media is not completely neglected. Otherwise, this is a separate discipline in the SEO management process, which should be mapped by your own teams or experts. This is the only way to guarantee the required know-how and expertise.


When setting up SEO process management in a company, it is also important to bring other departments (e.g., marketing) on ​​board. Because these can possibly provide relevant information for SEO. You can use such synergies in the following ways:

  • Check which products and brands are added to the range
  • Input for text creation
  • Include keywords in reporting and take them into account when building links
  • Optimize internal links

Trends & Innovations

Something is constantly changing in the area of ​​search engine optimization. It is therefore particularly important to “stay on the ball” and not miss out on new trends. Regular analysis of new tools, new strategies, and new studies are important for your own website development. Trends like mobile SEO are very fast-moving and you should always be among the first to implement such trends in your company. Use your web controlling tool for this, such as the OSG Performance Suite, so that you can then evaluate your results. Participation in webinars (often free of charge) or congresses and events broaden your horizons in terms of SEO process management. If you have a larger team, send individuals to each event who then train the rest of the team appropriately.

Knowledge management

If the know-how is only available in the minds of your employees, they will also take it with them to the competition when they leave the company. Active knowledge management is, therefore, an important task in the SEO management process. Experience and standards should be carefully documented in an internal wiki. A modern wiki like Confluence is recommended here.


A website is – technically speaking – constantly changing. Therefore, it must be constantly checked for SEO-relevant changes. In the following you can see a short checklist of what should be checked and carried out regularly in the technical area:

  • Check and approve all changes to the technology (releases) from an SEO point of view.
  • Regular training for the developers.
  • Support for questions for the internal developers.
  • Google Webmaster Tools will help with the technical review.
  • Use new possibilities in technology, e.g., create longer meta titles and descriptions.

In this process or this checklist, you can quickly see that offers from agencies that want to do SEO for you for a few hundred euros cannot be serious. Effective SEO process management is not done in a few hours. A lot of time and creativity must be invested here. You should also not underestimate your role in process management. The agency and numerous tools relieve you of some of the analysis and research in advance – but you are jointly responsible for the implementation.

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